- F. Da Milano – P. Zublena, Introduzione
- M. Gnerre, Indexicals and “Expressive” Implementations of Ideophones in Narrative Genres
- K. Jungbluth, Positions – Constellations – Practices: Referring to the Space in Front of the Hearer
- F. Da Milano – I. Putzu – P. Ramat, Deixis From a Cognitive and Linguistic Point of View: the Case of Ancient Greek
- M. Prandi, Ground-Oriented Deixis: Theoretical Implications and Empirical Data
- F. Strik Lievers – E. Miola, Lì (‘There’) and là (‘Over There’) in Italian Phrasal Verbs
- C. Zanchi, On the Italian Demonstratives with Attitude: a Cognitive Intersubjective Account