- L. Alfieri, The Definition of the Root between History and Typology
- R. Lazzeroni, I dialoghi nel RigVeda. Alla ricerca di varianti diafasiche in una lingua letteraria
- M. D. Jiménez López, On Support Verb Constructions in Ancient Greek
- E. Sanfelici, On the Notion of Raising in Old Irish non-finite Complement Clauses
- M. Norde, F. van de Velde (eds.), Exaptation and Language Change (P. Ramat). Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology, Edited by Nicola Grandi and Lívia Körtvélyessy (G. Manzelli)
- L. Nobile, E. Lombardi Vallauri, Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo (F. Albano Leoni)
- J. N. Adams, N. Vincent (eds.), Early and Late Latin. Continuity or Change? (E. Banfi)